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White-collar crime is different from traditional criminal activity. It’s non-violent, yet the consequences can be more far-reaching than many “blue-collar” crimes. Learn more about white-collar crime, some example offenses, and what it takes to expose and investigate these cases.

What is White-Collar Crime?contact us online

White-collar crime is named for the white-collared professionals in business settings who historically commit these offenses. The term encompasses an array of sophisticated crimes characterized by deceit or concealment for financial or personal gain or to obtain a business advantage.

Here are some common examples of white-collar crime:

  • Securities and commodities fraud involves deceptive practices in stock and commodities markets. Ponzi schemes and pyramid schemes are prime examples.
  • Corporate fraud encompasses false financial reporting, insider trading, and fraudulent conveyance designed to conceal assets from creditors and bankruptcy courts.
  • Money laundering involves concealing the origins of illegally obtained money, typically from criminal activities, making it appear as if the funds came from legal sources.
  • Healthcare fraud includes any act of intentional deception or misrepresentation to benefit from the healthcare system. Providers that bill for services not rendered or patients who use someone else’s information to access healthcare services have committed healthcare fraud.
  • Mortgage and financial institution fraud relates to deceptive practices aimed at defrauding mortgage lenders, banks, or consumers. Examples include providing false information on loan applications, securing a loan using someone else’s identity, and fraudulently inflating appraisals for real estate transactions.
  • Intellectual property (IP) theft refers to the illegal acquisition, use, and distribution of another’s IP. It includes the theft of copyrights, patents, trade secrets, and other proprietary information via software piracy, counterfeit goods production, corporate espionage, or illegal dissemination of protected information.

Navigating White-Collar Crime Investigations

Complex white-collar crimes necessitate thorough investigations. Agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) often work together to uncover these offenses.

Investigations may begin with a tip-off or suspicious activity report (SAR). Through careful evidence collection, witness interviews, and financial transaction analysis, investigators piece together the extent of the crime. This meticulous process often spans months or years due to the complex and international nature of many white-collar crimes.

Legal Remedies and Representation

Whether you are a defendant or plaintiff in a white-collar crime case, engaging a qualified lawyer is crucial. As a defendant, you need a criminal defense attorney experienced in white-collar crimes to protect your rights and reputation. As a plaintiff, you require legal representation to ensure compensation for your losses.

The team of experienced, bilingual lawyers at Richards & Richards Law Firm can meet your unique needs. Our family-owned practice prides itself on providing the best legal support for white-collar crime cases in Ogden, UT, and the surrounding areas. We understand the intricacies of the Utah legal system and the importance of a solid defense strategy, or assertive plaintiff representation, to reach a fair resolution. If you need an attorney to help you navigate your white-collar crime case, call us today at 801-621-7443 or contact us online. Together, we can help unmask the complexities of white-collar crime and chart the best way forward.