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Do you need an immigration lawyer? If you are dealing with immigration law in any way, you probably do. Immigration law is second only to tax law in its complexity, and the rules change frequently. They are constantly evolving, and immigration policies change with each new presidency. What does an immigration lawyer do? Immigration lawyers can help you to understand your rights, analyze possibilities and strategies for navigating the system, and guide you through every step of the immigration process.

What situations might necessitate the help of an immigration lawyer? Here are some common examples, though they are certainly not the only occasions on which you might need help.

  • If an immigrant applicant has been convicted of a crime, an immigrant attorney can help. Almost every form you’ll fill out as an applicant for immigration will require you to divulge whether you’ve been convicted of a crime. An immigration attorney will understand how immigration and criminal laws overlap and can help you manage this process.
  • If a prior immigration application has been denied, an attorney can find out why. Your attorney can also determine whether you will be able to appeal the application or reapply later.
  • If an applicant has previously been deported, an attorney can determine the effects on future applications. In some cases, previous deportations can result in a permanent ban on applications, but your attorney will be able to determine whether this is the case and advise you on your best course of action.
  • An attorney can determine whether a medical condition can exclude someone from entry into the United States. Sometimes people will be excluded because of a communicable disease. Your attorney can help you determine whether or not your condition makes you ineligible, and can help you navigate your options.
  • If an applicant has been waiting an unreasonably long time, an attorney may be able to speed the process. Attorneys are familiar with the legal system and immigration process, and can sometimes obtain expedited or rush processing.
  • If an employer is being uncooperative, an immigration lawyer can help. If you had a job lined up but your prospective employer is backing out of the arrangement, an attorney can help ensure that future employers will fulfill their obligations.
  • An attorney is necessary in cases in which a marriage was terminated before an applicant achieved permanent resident status. Without an attorney, it can be difficult to prove that a marriage terminated by divorce or death wasn’t fraudulent. Similarly, if you were married to a citizen and have achieved permanent resident status but have divorced and are now married to another citizen, your first marriage may be suspected of scam and you may need an attorney to help prove its legitimacy.
  • Applicants who are under 21 years of age need the advice of an attorney. Eligibility and requirements for permanent resident status differ based on age. If a family is immigrating and their child might reach 21 before being granted permanent resident status, an attorney can advise on how to proceed.
  • An attorney can help you switch from one immigration status to another. If you are in the United States with one type of status or visa, it can be complicated to switch. Immigration can offer valuable advice that can avoid issues with things like traveling in and out of the country without jeopardizing your application.
  • An attorney will help you if you’re facing removal proceedings. If you find yourself facing deportation or removal proceedings, you need a lawyer to research the law, represent you, and help you present your case.

It’s important to understand that there are several different types of immigration. Family-based immigration is a good option if you have a family member with United States citizenship or Lawful Permanent Resident status. Employment-based immigration is meant for those who have secured work in the United States before immigrating, while humanitarian relief is aid extended to non-citizens coming from vulnerable situations. The end goal for most immigrants is naturalization, and the right attorney can help smooth the path to becoming a naturalized citizen. The key is to find a full-service law firm that can examine your situation and recommend the option likely to achieve the best results.

Richards & Richards Law Group, P.L.L.C. is a full-service law firm in Ogden, Utah, dedicated to easing your stress, protecting your rights, and getting you what you deserve. Our family-owned firm offers top-notch legal advice and provides the highest-quality professional legal services at an affordable price. No matter what legal services you need, we can help. We have more than 30 years of legal experience on our side, and we’re committed to focusing our full attention on the needs of each client, to achieve the best possible results for each case. Call us today at 801.528.9357 or contact us through our website to schedule a legal consultation with our friendly, experienced immigration lawyers.